Online courses

Online First Aid for Parents and Carers (Non-accredited)
Child at Risk Refresher (Non-accredited)
CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk

Medication Administration Refresher Training (Non-accredited)

Driver and Road Side Safety Course

Frequently asked questions

Are your courses COVID safe?

New Online Delivery Modes Available

Online with short face-to-face
As an adapted measure to COVID-19, Pulse First Aid Training is pleased to be able to offer a range of our courses as online learning and theory assessment followed by a short face-to-face assessment. Assessments are conducted in groups of 1 or 2 at our venue or your workplace.

Courses available:

What is a USI?

USI (Unique Student Identification)
This is a new Government requirement. Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from January 1 2015 onwards. Applying for your own USI number is relatively easy to complete.

To apply for a USI is quick and easy. Go to www

Step by step instructions on how to gain your USI number can be downloaded by clicking here.

For more information about the the USI go to:

Can I change the date once I’ve booked?

Yes. Look at the calendar and see what course you would like to change to, then send us an email using the contact form and we will send you a new invitation for the new date.

There is no additional cost to make this change this change.

What if I don’t see a date for the course I’ve booked?

If you’d like to attend a course, but there is no date scheduled you should contact us using the contact form and let us know which course interests you. Often we have had other enquiries about the same course and are able to schedule a date that suits.

I cannot find the online theory

If you have a current certificate with us the system will recognise that this is a refresher course and the on line theory is, therefore, not required.

I would like to have a paper-based workbook to complete the theory

You can complete the theory by online, but if you prefer a paper-based workbook you should email us using the contact form and we will send you a workbook.

Make sure you allow time for delivery and time to complete the workbook theory.

I have an injury and I do not know if I can do the practical part of the course

It is important to note that there are physical standards which relate to the level of performance required when undertaking accredited training.

The HLTAID competency standards require a level of physical ability to provide first aid and respond to an emergency situation where there may be risk to life. One requirement of the training package is that you are to be assessed as physically capable of performing uninterrupted CPR for at least 2 minutes on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor. There can be no exceptions to these Australian Government requirements that are clearly written into the Training Package. Therefore, students who are unable to satisfy the physical requirements of the course cannot be deemed competent or issued with a statement of attainment, even if the qualification is a necessary part of their employment conditions.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to this you can call us on 0447 475 524.